Back (Lumbar)

Chronic Low Back Pain

Low back pain doesn't need to dominate your life, because the DISCSEEL® Procedure is available. Fibrin is superior to stem cells in the disc, because natural Fibrin first seals disc tears, and then heals those torn discs. Stem cells can't yet do this.

How DISCSEEL® Procedure Treats Low Back Symptoms

The DISCSEEL® Procedure is a revolutionary, minimally-invasive procedure to treat chronic back pain resulting from damaged or torn spinal discs. An FDA-approved, 100% natural biologic called Fibrin is injected into the disc, which seals the tears and stimulates the body to begin healing. The DISCSEEL® Procedure is a true alternative to a spinal fusion.

Every experienced spine surgeon, without exception, knows patients who are no better or worse following their spine surgery. While there were successes, it was the countless "failures" that motivated Dr. Kevin Pauza to critically evaluate the decades old spine treatment protocol. Some "old school" surgeons remain dismissive of the relatively new and validated paradigm that recognizes the importance of torn and leaky discs.  Torn discs cause symptoms previously attributed to "pinching" of the nerves or other "mechanical reasons"  The pinching only contributes to pain when the pinching is in the presence of disc leakage. Leaking discs cause inflammation, making nerves sensitive to even the smallest of mechanical forces.

So therefore, sealing leaky discs stops the underlying cause of inflammation, and this improves symptoms from their origin. Sealing discs makes sense because it "treats the cause, instead of the effect." Fortunately, informed spine surgeons recognize the numerous shortcomings of spinal surgery, and embrace these new scientifically-validated efforts to seal and heal discs.

It's apparent some physicians may never change. There's an obvious financial incentive to maintain the status quo and continue surgically implanting metal fusion hardware. Those surgeons will likely continue fusing until they're no longer allowed to fuse. One state has already stopped allowing fusions to treat pain. In the USA, there's more money made performing spinal fusions than there is in treating heart disease and cancer combined.  Spinal fusions are indicated for rare spinal instability caused by cancer or trauma, but not for treating pain. Its easy to see how all spine disc pain begins as small annular tears. Those annular tears increase, leading to disc degeneration, herniations, bulges, desiccation, and degenerative disc disease.  All are directly caused by the disc's annular tears.

The DISCSEEL® Procedure uses Fibrin, occasionally supplemented with PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) or stem cells, to repair discs, to decrease pain and allow increased activity. Studies confirm that Fibrin strengthens discs almost immediately something stem cells can't do.

The DISCSEEL® Procedure Vs. Spinal Fusion


For decades, physicians have been recommending spinal fusions to patients, only for them to fail. These life-altering procedures have lead to some of the highest percentage of surgical failures and opioid dependency among surgical patients. So the real question is: why are doctors not recommending a procedure that has greater success? It's simple. An average spinal fusion patient is worth between $250,000 and $750,000 in insurance payouts over the patient's lifetime. It was the high failure that lead to the creation of the DISCSEEL® Procedure. So how do the two procedures compare to each other? Here are some facts: 

In over 40% of patients that receive a spinal fusion, the fusion does not address the long term source of the pain
At least 1/3 of all spinal fusion patients need a second or third fusion of their spine within 10 years
The DISCSEEL® Procedure has been successful in permanently relieving back pain in 70% of patients that had a previous failed spinal procedure, such as a spinal fusion.

Neck Pain Conditions That The DISCSEEL® Procedure Has Successfully Treated

Degenerative Disc Disease

Degenerative discs are the result of wear and tear on your spine. The DISCSEEL® Procedure is a non-surgical procedure that seals disc tears, and then promotes growth to heal those once damaged discs.

Annular tear

These kinds of injuries can occur over decades and are hard to heal due to poor blood circulation the disc. The DISCSEEL® Procedure helps to repair the damage!

Chronic Low Back Pain

Chronic back pain most often reflects disc tears, and disc tears cause disc degeneration, bulges, and herniations, and that's exactly what the DISCSEEL® Procedure treats. The DISCSEEL® Procedure can help! Don't hesitate to contact us for an evaluation


Degenerative discs are the result of wear and tear on your spine. The DISCSEEL® Procedure is a non-surgical procedure that seals disc tears, and then promotes growth to heal those once damaged discs.

Herniated Disc

Disc herniation isn't the direct cause of pain as was once thought. Instead, the leakage associated with herniated discs is responsible for inflammation and pain. With the DISCSEEL® Procedure, you can live your life pain free while doing activities you enjoy. Find out if this life-improving procedure is optimal for you.

Learn if you're a candidate for the DISCSEEL® Procedure

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9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm