Neck (Cervical)


The DISCSEEL®Procedure offers you relief from cervical (neck) pain without surgery. If neck pain limits you, the DISCSEEL®Procedure can help get your active lifestyle back!

How The DISCSEEL® Procedure treats the neck

The DISCSEEL® Procedure is a minimally invasive regenerative spinal procedure that aims to repair, restore and heal your damaged and degenerated disc.

Your cervical spine involves your neck, shoulders, arms, and muscles between your shoulder blades. We regularly treat complex cervical patients from around the World. 

Many of our patients have previously undergone multiple neck procedures, including surgery, without relief, before seeking help with the DISCSEEL® Procedure.

Because MRIs cannot reliably identify your pain source, we often rely on highly precise diagnostic injections. For your convenience, we'll always work closely with your local Physician, or find one close to you for your preliminary diagnostic work-up. If the diagnostic plan suggests your discs, we'll review your MRI personally, and use it to plan your annulogram test. The annulogram injects a trace amount of contrast into your disc's outer annulus, which allows us to conclusively identify the smallest leaks and tears missed by MRIs. Then we precisely seal your discs' tears with Fibrin. After the procedure, you'll spend 30 minutes in recovery, and return to activity the next day.

In comparison, research shows that cervical fusions damage the adjacent discs (by transferring increased detrimental forces to the remaining discs) referred to as “the “Domino Affect. That's why fusions have poor long-term success; their success is less than half that of the DISCSEEL® Procedure.

The DISCSEEL® Procedure Vs. Spinal Fusion


For decades, physicians have been recommending spinal fusions to patients, only for them to fail. These life-altering procedures have lead to some of the highest percentage of surgical failures and opioid dependency among surgical patients. So the real question is: why are doctors not recommending a procedure that has greater success? It's simple. An average spinal fusion patient is worth between $250,000 and $750,000 in insurance payouts over the patient's lifetime. It was the high failure that lead to the creation of the DISCSEEL® Procedure. So how do the two procedures compare to each other? Here are some facts: 

  • In over 40% of patients that receive a spinal fusion, the fusion does not address the long term source of the pain
  • At least 1/3 of all spinal fusion patients need a second or third fusion of their spine within 10 years
  • The DISCSEEL® Procedure has been successful in permanently relieving back pain in 70% of patients that had a previous failed spinal procedure, such as a spinal fusion.

Can The DISCSEEL® Procedure help your Neck Pain?

Neck Pain Conditions That The DISCSEEL® Procedure Has Successfully Treated

Degenerative Disc Disease

Degenerative discs are the result of wear and tear on your spine. The DISCSEEL® Procedure is a regenerative procedure that seals disc tears, and then promotes growth to heal those once damaged discs.

Annular tear

These kinds of injuries can occur over decades and are hard to heal due to poor blood circulation the disc. The DISCSEEL® Procedure helps to repair the damage!

Herniated Disc

Disc herniation isn't the direct cause of pain as was once thought. Instead, the leakage associated with herniated discs is responsible for inflammation and pain. With the DISCSEEL® Procedure, you can live your life pain free while doing activities you enjoy. Find out if this life-improving procedure is optimal for you.

Learn if you're a candidate for the DISCSEEL® Procedure

Our Location

Hours of Operation


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm





9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm